Conscious Sexuality

Online Courses

All of these online sexuality courses are self-study. You can do them at your own pace and in the privacy of your own home. Some courses include a one-on-one private zoom consultation.

Body of Light

In this course we are working with a physical, spiritual awakening to Self 
- that which lies  through and beyond the body.

Through awareness of the inner body, we are able to access a clearer awareness of who we truly are - pure awareness.

The process of connecting to the body and specifically the inner body poses huge challenges to most.
This course gives various techniques for making the brain - body connection.  Then takes you even deeper into sensing the consciousness which lies beyond the body.

All the movements, meditations and dances are designed to help you physically connect to the sensation of the light of eternal knowing inside you.

The course is evergreen, meaning you can do it any time, in your own time and at your own pace.
Included is Three personal Zoom consultations with me to assist with your questions and specific needs.


Online courses: Female sexual empowerment

This course is for women who want to:

  • Build a healthy relationship to their own bodies
  • Connect to their ability to feel pleasure
  • Enjoy vaginal orgasms
  • Have hours-long full body orgasms
  • maintain their ability to orgasm and feel pleasure while making love to their partner

What you will learn in this course:

  • You will learn how to have full-body orgasms and vaginal orgasms by yourself and when you are with your lover
  • You will then learn how to bring your orgasmic self to your partner in love making
  • Throughout the course, there are lessons for your male partner, teaching him how to support you in your pleasure
  • Intimate massages for both women and men to regain awareness and sensitivity in the genitals

How it works:

  • In the first 4 weeks of the course you work on your own to learn how to connect with your own body and how to switch on your own orgasm.
  • In week 5 and 6 you connect with your lover, while staying present in your own body and pleasure.


Online courses: Male sexuality

Master the Dragon

Sexual excellence for men
Self-study course

This course is for men who want to:

  • Enjoy more pleasure and sensation in their penis and body
  • Have longer, harder, reliable erections
  • Be in control of when they ejaculate
  • Be better lovers overall

What you will learn in this course:

  • Reconnecting to the pleasure in your body
  • Be in control of how long your erection lasts
  • Be in control of when you ejaculate
  • Stay harder for a longer period of time

Included one-on-one Zoom coaching

  • When you register for this course, you will get a complementary one-on-one Zoom call with me. In this call I will be able to help you with the particular issues you are dealing with
  • When you have completed the course, you will get another private Zoom call with me for any further assistance you might need

You can start the course any time you want.
It is a self-study, video guided process, supported by the two Zoom consultations with me.


Demonstration of a lingam massage:

Learn how to do tantric Lingam (penis) massage

  • Two beautiful lingam massage demonstrations
  • A number of teachings about interacting with a man
  • Interviews with men about conscious love-making

Who is it for?

  • Women who want to become more confident in their interactions with the penis
  • Women who want to heal their relationship with the penis
  • Lovers of men who want to be more confident when making love to a man
  • Men who want to interact with their own sexuality with more care


Online courses for Couples

Intimate massages for couples:

This is a section from the above 6-week course "Pleasure fo full-body orgasms"
In other words the 6-week course includes the intimate massages.
I am breaking the big course into bite-size sections, starting with the intimate massages.
In this course you will be shown how to give a Lingam (penis) massage and how to give a yoni (pussy) massage

Who is it for?

  • Couples who would like to learn tantric intimate massage techniques
  • Women who would like to gain more skills and confidence when engaging with their partner's penis
  • Men who would like to touch their partner's genitals with more skill and confidence
  • Couples who would like to expand their sexuality in a loving conscious way


Online courses for Energy orgasms

Demystifying Energy Orgasms - for singles and couples

In this course you will learn:

  • What are energy orgasms
  • How to start feeling them
  • How to nurture them
  • How to activate and circulate them with your partner

Once you have completed the course you get a bonus a one-on-one online session with Leán, the course creator.

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals and couples who would like to understand what energy orgasms are
  • Individuals and couples who would like have full body orgasms
  • Individuals and couples who want to link their spirituality and their sexuality



Activate your Golden Energy Flow

This energy is also called Kundalini, Shakti, Energy Orgasms and Chi.

The course is 12 carefully choreographed exercises to awaken your Kundalini energy flow. Regular practice and an understanding on the feeling, will guide you to your own kundalini awakening. The exercises are Yoga-like exercises, in sitting or lying position and can be done by men and women.

Who is this course for?

  • Individuals who would like to awaken their kundalini
  • People who are feeling their life-force or sexual energy flowing very strongly and need to manage it
  • People with awakened Kundalini energy, who would like to manage the flow safely
  • People who would like to nurture and maintain their Kundalini energy


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