
I want to share my journey of awakening through the body to provide confidence in my teachings. This is based on personal experience, not just things I've read.

In March 2018, after meditating on a beach in Cape Town, I had a mild Kundalini awakening. This experience involved intense sensations and a heightened awareness of the beauty around me. It felt like a curtain was pulled back, revealing incredible brilliance and detail in nature.

Since then, I've been trying to replicate that state by focusing on physical sensations, especially in nature. This has led to experiences of full-body orgasms and profound spiritual insights. I've come to understand the creator force and our connection to divinity through these practices.

In May this year, I attended a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat, where I meditated on physical sensations for 11 hours a day. By day five, I felt like an inner observer, and by day eight, my body was filled with light, and I felt a universal vibration. Nature appeared incredibly beautiful and translucent.

This intense experience made me feel like I was close to an ego-death, but it also deepened my understanding of divine connection. Since then, I've been practicing to maintain this awareness in daily life, tuning into the body's sensations to achieve a state of bliss and heightened perception.

I believe this path of simple, body-centered awareness can guide others towards awakening, and I am happy to share my insights and experiences.

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