
We seek peace, happiness, and freedom from suffering, aware that our existence on Earth is temporary. Despite the changes in our bodies over time, a part of us feels timeless and unchanged. This essence, or soul, exists within our physical form and can be deeply connected through awareness and presence.

To connect with this essence, we must tune into our bodies, feel our emotions, and observe them from a place of clear consciousness. This process involves becoming aware of the present moment, appreciating and embracing it, and recognizing our power to shape it. By feeling deeply and practicing self-forgiveness, we align more closely with our true essence.

Sensuality and touch can enhance this connection, allowing us to experience life more vividly. This deepening connection to our essence, rather than focusing on trauma, brings true healing. In intimate situations, learning to hold space for each other can further facilitate this process.

Ultimately, understanding and embracing our essence leads to a more profound experience of life.

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