
Healing from porn addiction involves recognizing the problem and seeking to transform the associated energy into something beneficial. Instead of suppressing sexual energy, the idea is to use it to connect with your body and feelings.

  1. Acknowledge the Problem: Admit the issue with porn and understand the need for healing.
  2. Understand the Energy Flow: Realize that sexual energy naturally flows outward but can be redirected inward.
  3. Integrate Masculine and Feminine Energies: Balance the outward, masculine energy with inward, feminine energy by focusing on feeling and loving oneself.
  4. Practice Energy Redirection: While experiencing sexual arousal, consciously spread the sensations throughout the body, using imagination and visualization techniques.
  5. Achieve Full-Body Orgasm: Through practice, transform the orgasm experience to involve the entire body, resulting in more fulfilling and less externally dependent sexual experiences.
  6. Reduce Dependency on External Stimuli: By connecting deeply with your body and sexual energy, reduce the need for external pornographic stimulation.

Ultimately, this approach fosters self-connection, internal pleasure, and healing, leading to healthier sexual experiences and reducing reliance on porn.

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